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Главная » 2018 » Январь » 9 » Macmillan Travel and transport (Unit2)
Macmillan Travel and transport (Unit2)

 "Macmillan Unit 2 Transport", 


Спасибо Оlgaokay за предоставленные карточки.

Topic vocabulary in contrast (карточки для запоминания)

Phrasal verbs (карточки для запоминания) 

Phrases and collocations (карточки для запоминания)

Word formation (карточки для запоминания)


Книга для подготовки к ЕГЭ разделы Письмо и Говорение (авторы Громова и Орлова)

Тема Путешествия и Транспорт

Ниже даны задания с Сайта http://www.macmillan.ru

Просмотров: 9385 | Добавил: Positiveenglish | Теги: transport, macmillan, travel | Рейтинг: 5.0/2
Всего комментариев: 5
5 Positiveenglish  
Let's practice speaking English

  • What's your favourite means of transport for long distance travel? Why?
  • Have you ever missed a flight or train? What happened?
  • How do you usually plan your trips? Do you prefer to plan everything in advance or do you enjoy being spontaneous?
  • Have you ever traveled solo? If so, where did you go and what was your experience like?
  • What do you think is the most important factor when choosing a place to stay while traveling? Location, price, or amenities?
  • What's the most adventurous trip you've ever taken? Where did you go and what did you do?
  • Have you ever had a negative experience while traveling? What happened and how did you deal with it?
  • How do you think the pandemic has affected the travel industry? Do you think it will bounce back quickly or will it take a while to recover?
  • Are you familiar with any phrasal verbs related to travel and transport? Can you give an example of how to use them in a sentence?
  • What's the best way to explore a new city? Walking, public transport, or guided tours? Why?

  • Have you ever traveled to a country where you didn't speak the language? How did you communicate with locals?
  • Do you prefer to stay in hotels or Airbnb rentals while traveling? Why?
  • What's the most interesting cultural experience you've had while traveling?
  • Have you ever been on a cruise? What was your experience like?
  • What's your favorite travel destination within your home country? Why?
  • What's the most scenic drive you've ever taken? Where did you go and what did you see?
  • What's the longest trip you've ever taken? How did you stay entertained during the journey?
  • What's your opinion on traveling sustainably? Do you try to reduce your carbon footprint while traveling?
  • Have you ever experienced jet lag? How did you deal with it?
  • Do you think it's better to travel alone or with others? Why?
  • What's your favorite type of cuisine to try while traveling? Can you recommend any specific dishes?
  • What's the most unusual mode of transport you've ever taken? How was it?
  • What's the most important item you always pack for a trip?
  • Have you ever had to deal with lost or stolen luggage? What did you do?
  • Do you think it's important to learn about the history and culture of a place before traveling there? Why or why not?
  • What's your favorite travel memory? Why does it stand out to you?
  • Do you think it's better to plan your own itinerary or join a guided tour when traveling to a new place? Why?
  • What's the most luxurious travel experience you've ever had? Was it worth the cost?
  • What's your opinion on taking public transportation while traveling? Do you find it easy or difficult to navigate?
  • Have you ever had a travel mishap that turned out to be a happy accident? What happened?

  • 4 Positiveenglish  
    Задания с сайта   http://www.macmillan.ru

    Task 4. Fill in a verb in the right form.

    1. I'll …............ you up at five o'clock.

    2. He is working hard to …........... up with the others after missing a term.
    3. When we got to the park, the children …....... for the swings while I sat on a
    4. Go to the reception and ….................. in while I park the car.

    5. If you'd like a lift to a party I could …........ you up and then I can easily…....... you off on my way home afterwards.

    6. I'll just …................in at the petrol station and fill up.
    7. It was not easy to …............ up with the children as we went through the

    8. The rocket is due to …................off tomorrow afternoon.
    9. Would you like me to come and …............you off at the station?
    10.I went to the hotel hoping to meet Sam but he had already …...............out.


    3 Positiveenglish  
    Task 3. Fill in prepositions.

    1. After the concert, the crowd made ….............. the nearest door.
    2. Drop me …............ at the corner, and I'll walk from there.
    3. I love to go …............... to an exotic country for a while.
    4. I spent two weeks catching …............ …....... my studies.
    5. The shipwrecked sailors were picked …........ by a passing boat.

    6. He set …..............for work an hour ago.
    7. It's better to check ….......... early to get a good seat on your flight.
    8. When did your neighbours get ….............. from their holiday?
    9. We'd better pull ….......... for some petrol.

    10.Despite the bad weather the plane took …............ .
    11.He left all his papers at home and had to turn ….................
    12.Slow down, you might run.................. someone.
    13.All the parents were at the railway station, seeing their children …...........to aschool trip.


    2 Positiveenglish  
    Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the English equivalent of the Russian word.

    1. The river lies on the (границе)...................... between the US and Mexico.
    2. The health club charges an annual membership (плата)........................

    3. In the 19th century, (путешествие).......................... between the two countrieswas extremely difficult.
    4. Gretel lives in a simple cottage on the (край, опушка)..........................of the
    5. The hotel pool is 15 metres in (длина)..............................

    6. Dan was delighted to get a room with breathtaking (виды)................ of LosAngeles .
    7. To get tickets, you have to (заказать, зарезервировать)................... them in advance.

    8. A group of 80 planes, (возглавляемая)........................ by LieutenantCommander Egusha, was on its way to attack.
    9. They watched the kite fall back to (земля)...................................

    10. The pyramids can be (добраться)................................ by public transport.
    11. The Taj Mahal attracts visitors from around the (мир, свет)........................
    12. What time does the plane (прибывает)........................ in New York?
    13. My mother is (остаётся)..........................with us this week.
    14. During this (период)....................., Tanya was making very little money.
    15. Included in the tour is an (экскурсия)........................ to the Grand Canyon.


    1 Positiveenglish  
    Task 1. Complete the sentences using the word from the list. You may need touse one word more than once.

    edge  border  guide  lead   territory   length   area   fare   fee   voyage   journey   travel   trip distance   view   sight   book

    1. The …....................from England to India used to take six months.
    2. How much is the train ….............from Toronto to Montreal?
    3. Only cheeses made in this …............. may be labelled 'Roquefort.'
    4. To cross the........................... , you will need a valid passport.
    5. These birds make an incredible 10,000-kilometre …...................... to Africa
    every winter.
    6. Don't put your glass so close to the................... of the table.

    7. It's such a nice day - how about going on a boat …......................?
    8. From the top you get a panoramic …....................of the city.
    9. We went by bus - the cheapest means of …......................

    10 The insurance company paid my entire medical …....................
    11. The high school band ….................... the parade every year.
    12. Street dentists are a common ….................... in Pakistan.
    13. How is the …................. from the balcony?
    14. You need to …...................... well in advance for Christmas.
    15. He........................ us through the narrow streets to the central square.

    16. Hong Kong became Chinese ….................................. in 1997.
    17. Gavin looked a sorry …......... -- his jaw was broken, and he had a black eye.
    18. We’re thinking of taking a …...................... to the mountains.
    19. A one-week stay in Majorca costs $779 including air …....................... .

    20. Edwina’s office was south-facing, with a …...........................of the lake.
    21. We measured the …....................... and width of the living room.
    22. What is the …............................ from New York to Miami?


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