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Главная » 2015 » Октябрь » 13 » Степени сравнения прилагательных
Степени сравнения прилагательных

1) если прилагательное маленькое (один слог или два, второй оканчивается на - y)






(+ than)



(самый ....)

1) прилаг

2) -------y

3) ---гласный + согл

прилаг + er


-- гласн+согл+согл+ er

the прилаг+est

the -------iest

the --гласн+согл+согл+est



the longest



the biggest



the easiest


2) прилагательное длинное ( 2 слога и больше)






(+ than)



(самый ....)



more прилаг


the most прилаг



more beautiful

the most beautiful


more useful

the most useful


Особые формы







(+ than)



(самый ....)





the best





the worst





the most





the least




elder (старший - перед son, daughter, brother, sister, grandson, granddaughter)

the oldest


the eldest (самый старший -  перед on, daughter, brother, sister, grandson, granddaughter


farther (расстояние)

further (information и расстояние)

the farthest (расстояние)

the furthest (information и расстояние)



При указании степени различия прилагательных в сравнительной степени употребляются слова:

much, a lot, far - в значении гораздо

a bit, a little - в значении немного


My book is much more interesting than your book.

His car is a lot faster than his neighbour's car.

The weather today is a bit colder than it was yesterday.

They came a little earlier than their friends.


При указании меры вещей или времени число ставится перед прилагательным в сравнительной степени.

His elder brother is 4 years older than he is.

Her suitcase is 3 kilograms heavier than mine.

This road is 10 kilometers longer than that one.


При сравнении предметов одинакового качества употребляются союзы:

as   ... as - такой (же) ..... как

not so .....as - не такой ..... как

This house is as big as that one.

He is not so old as his friend.


!!! Если перед прилагательным в положительной степени, стоящим между союзом as... as употребляются счетные наречия half - в два раза меньше, twice - в два раза больше или количественное числительное со словом times - раз, то такие сочетания переводятся следующим образом:
half as much as... - в два раза меньше, чем...
twice as much as... - в два раза больше, чем...
three times as long as... - в три раза длиннее, чем...
four times as high as... - в четыре раза выше, чем....


This house is five times as expensive as that one.

Although Helen looks very young, she is twice as old as my fifteen-year-old daughter.


Песня с оборотом as... as



As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox
As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear
As free as a bird, as neat as a word
As quiet as a mouse, as big as a house

All I wanna be, all I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be is everything

As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth
As deep as a bite, as dark as the night
As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong
As long as a road, as ugly as a toad

As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture
Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be
Bright as day, as light as play
As hard as nails, as grand as a whale

All I wanna be, oh, all I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be is everything, everything at once
Everything at once, oh, everything at once

As warm as the sun, as silly as fun
As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea
As hot as fire, cold as ice
Sweet as sugar and everything nice

As old as time, as straight as a line
As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee
As stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glider
Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be

All I wanna be, oh, all I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be is everything, everything at once





Еще несколько идиом с as ..  as 

As blind as a bat - слепой как летучая мышь ( подслеповатый)
As bold as brass - смелый как латунь (бесстыжий, наглый, нахальный )
As busy as a bee - занятый как пчелка (трудолюбивый)
As cold as ice - холодный как лед (бесчувственный, ледяной)
As cool as a cucumber - прохладный как огурец (спокойный, совершенно невозмутимый, не теряющий хладнокровия)
As cunning/sly as a fox - хитрый как лиса (хитрый)
As different as chalk from cheese - (совершенно непохожий, ничего общего)
As dry as a bone - сухой как кость (совершенно сухой, высохший, пересохший)
As fit as a fiddle - в форме как скрипка (в добром здоровье, здравии, совершенно здоров, в прекрасном настроении)
As free as a bird - свободный как птица (свободный как ветер)
As hot as hell - жарко как в аду (очень жарко, невыносимо)
As light as a feather - легкий как перышко
As nutty as a fruitcake - (психованный, чокнутый)
As obstinate/stubborn as a mule - упрямый как мул (упрямый как осел)
As old as the hills - старый как холмы (очень древний, старый, старо как мир)
As proud as a peacock - гордый как павлин (спесивый, горделивый, тщеславный)
As safe as a church - безопасный как церковь ( абсолютно надежный, безопасный, как за каменной стеной)
As sick as a cat - больной как кот (испытывает приступ тошноты)
As silent/quiet as the grave - тихий как могила (безмолвный, молчаливый, хранящий тайну, нем как рыба)
As slippery as an eel - скользкий как угорь (изворотливый, увертливый, голыми руками не возьмешь)
As slow as a snail - медленный как улитка ( очень медленный, медлительный)
As solid as a rock - крепкий как скала (надежный, твердый как камень)
As strong as an ox/ a bull - сильный как бык (здоров как бык)
As tough as nails/old boots - прочный как ногти /старые ботинки (крепкий, выносливый)
As white as a sheet/ghost - белый как простыня/привидение (бледный)
As wise/solemn as an owl - мудрый как сова 



















Онлайн упражнения 







Упражнения из книги Голицынского

Категория: Грамматика английского | Просмотров: 3217 | Добавил: Positiveenglish | Рейтинг: 5.0/2
Всего комментариев: 4
4 Positiveenglish  
Superlative Form:
Exercise 6: Choose the correct form of the superlative adjective.

  • This is the ___________ (best/better) pizza I've ever had.
  • She is the ___________ (prettiest/pretty) girl in the room.
  • The library has the ___________ (quietest/quiet) room for studying.
  • He is the ___________ (smartest/smart) person I know.
  • This is the ___________ (most interesting/interesting) book I've read in a while.
  • The hotel has the ___________ (best/better) view of the city.
  • The movie was the ___________ (most exciting/exciting) one I've seen this year.
  • The car is the ___________ (fastest/fast) one on the road.
  • This is the ___________ (most beautiful/beautiful) flower I've ever seen.
  • The restaurant has the ___________ (most delicious/delicious) food in town
      Exercise 7: Choose the correct form of the superlative adjectives.
    • She is the ___________ (oldest/old) person in the family.
    • This is the ___________ (most expensive/expensive) car I've ever seen.
    • He is the ___________ (best/better) player on the team.
    • This is the ___________ (biggest/big) building in the city.
    • She is the ___________ (most beautiful/beautiful) actress in Hollywood.
    • That was the ___________ (most embarrassing/embarrassing) moment of my life.
    • The concert was the ___________ (loudest/loud) one I've ever been to.
    • This is the ___________ (tallest/tall) tree in the park.
    • He is the ___________ (richest/rich) person in the company.
    • This is the ___________ (nicest/nice) gift anyone has ever given me.

  • 3 Positiveenglish  
    Comparative Form:

    Exercise 3: Choose the correct form of the comparative adjective.

  • The traffic is ___________ (bad/worse) today than it was yesterday.
  • My new phone is ___________ (good/better) than my old one.
  • The music is ___________ (loud/louder) than usual.
  • He runs ___________ (fast/faster) than I do.
  • The steak is ___________ (tender/more tender) than the chicken.
  • This dress is ___________ (pretty/prettier) than the one I tried on yesterday.
  • Her hair is ___________ (long/longer) than it was last year.
  • This book is ___________ (interesting/more interesting) than the last one I read.
  • The room is ___________ (brighter/more bright) with the new lamp.
  • The weather is ___________ (warm/warmer) than it was last week.

    Exercise 4: Choose the correct form of the comparative adjective.

  • The park is ___________ (quiet/quieter) in the morning.
  • He is ___________ (thin/thinner) than he was last year.
  • The coffee is ___________ (hotter/more hot) than I like it.
  • This car is ___________ (expensive/more expensive) than the other one.
  • The movie is ___________ (scary/scarier) than I thought it would be.
  • The house is ___________ (big/bigger) than I expected.
  • She is ___________ (smart/smarter) than her brother.
  • The cat is ___________ (playful/more playful) than the dog.
  • The traffic is ___________ (heavy/heavier) during rush hour.
  • He is ___________ (tall/taller) than most of his classmates.

  • 2 Positiveenglish  
    Exercise 2: Choose the correct form of the adjective.
    • The ___________ (old/older/oldest) man in the village is over 100 years old.
    • She is ___________ (tall/taller/tallest) than her sister.
    • The ___________ (happy/happier/happiest) I feel is when I'm with my family.
    • The ___________ (fast/faster/fastest) way to get to the airport is by taxi.
    • This is ___________ (big/bigger/biggest) mistake I've ever made.
    • The ___________ (thin/thinner/thinnest) girl in the class is also the tallest.
    • My sister's car is ___________ (new/newer/newest) than mine.
    • This exercise is ___________ (easy/easier/easiest) than the last one.

    1 Positiveenglish  
    Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective.

  • She is ___________ (friendly) person I know.
  • The soup is ___________ (spicy) than I expected.
  • My apartment is ___________ (small) than my sister's.
  • This is ___________ (expensive) restaurant in the city.
  • I am ___________ (interested) in learning about other cultures.
  • The movie was ___________ (exciting) than the book.
  • He is ___________ (athletic) person I've ever met.
  • The weather today is ___________ (warm) than yesterday.

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